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Students are considered tardy if they are not through the classroom threshold before the bell starts ringing. Tardies reset at the end of every six week grading cycle. It is the student's responsibility to take care of the assigned disciplinary consequence assigned on the tardy slip. Failure to do so, will result in additional consequences. 

1st  Tardy


 2nd  Tardy


3rd  Tardy 


4th  Tardy

Parent Contact

5th Tardy

1 hour After School Detention

6th  Tardy

1 hour After School Detention

7th Tardy

1 hour After School Detention

8th Tardy

Saturday School

9th Tardy

Saturday School

10 or More Tardies

Principal assigned minimum of OCI







Students will not be allowed out of class the first 10 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes of class.